Sunday, May 31, 2009

Dream and Passion

“The Meek Molders of Man's Character" is how Dr. Jose P. Laurel described teachers....

Aside from the fact that teachers are exalted individuals, I still could not fathom then why I decided to become one of them. Whenever I'm confronted with such a question, I SIMPLY REPLY... YOUR DREAM IS MY PASSION.

Personally I feel bad when people belittle the teaching profession. And it hurts me even more to hear demeaning comments such as "there’s no money in it," you will be doomed to poverty," etc...

Yes, it's true it's not a lucrative job.

It isn't an economically enriching and rewarding one.... But despite the disconcerting state of the teaching profession itself, I'm still not dissuaded from becoming a teacher.

My reasons though a bit hard to articulate, are nevertheless intrinsically and extrinsically motivated.

To begin with, my reason for choosing this profession is quite simple: to ensure my basic needs. So basic are my needs that if I fail to meet them, I will surely die. As a human being, of course, I need to keep my body and soul together. I need to sustain my body and mind in order to survive and keep my sanity.

This I can probably do if I were to become a teacher. I need to have a job to that would provide me a decent income. Whether I will be compensated well or not is another matter.

Although other professions are far more profitable than teaching, I will still go for teaching. The reason why is that I don't live to merely eat. I believe I'm capable reaching greater heights; of fulfilling sublime needs.

The second reason why I choose teaching to be my profession is that I want to be safe from cheaters who take advantage of someone's ignorance; from people who look down on someone who has not achieved much in life; from events that may endanger me because I don't know their complexities.

The third reason that drives me to choose this profession is the fact that teachers, considering that they loved and accepted individuals in society. That our society's class system is not that rigid is true; and though the help of teachers, people can uplift their status. Teachers are thus loved, for the people, especially the poor who value education, have pinned their high hopes on their teachers.

The fourth reason why I want to become a teacher is that you become adequate, competent and confident when you are a teacher. Indeed you become adequate because you have successfully imparted what you have to impart; competent because, in your desire to give the best, you continue to strive for excellence; and confident because of the belief that what you have instilled in them is of certain value to them.

People may thank doctors for curing their sickness and saving their lives; lawyers for freely rendering their legal services and defending them in litigation. But behind all these people are teachers who worked relentlessly, teachers without whose knowledge, competence and genuine affection, we surely couldn't have doctors, lawyers etc.

The ultimate reason why I would rather be a TEACHER than settle for being something else is that being ONE means that one is a person who has actualized one's innate desire to touch people's lives; to bring them in accomplishing something better; to bring them the pinnacle of learning; and to mold them into persons who are aware of their potentials.

"TEACHERS", to use Sharon Draper's words, “must be celebrated for moving civilization from ignorance to enlightenment, from apathy to responsibility.